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Blue Sapphire – 2.5 Carat

Blue Sapphire is a stone that represents spirituality and contentment in life. It can absorb negative energy and emit positive energy. It is also called a stone of wisdom and mind. It helps to bring calmness and clarity when there is anxiety and confusion.Benefits of Blue Sapphire Gemstone:
  1. It is good for people suffering from Planet Shani (Saturn) adverse effects.
  2. Blue Sapphire is especially useful for people having Sadhe Sati Dosh.
  3. Neelam helps to lessen impatience and balances high energy.
  4. It removes tensions, promotes clarity and brings stability to the life of its wearer which further helps to keep one grounded.
  5. It is believed to protect with frequent travelling.
  6. It is believed to help people suffering from drinking or other similar issues.
Blue Sapphire should be worn after a recommendation from an astrologer only. It is generally worn in silver or platinum.

Cats Eye Gemstone – 2.5 Carat

Cats eye gemstone is also known as Lehsunia stone in Vedic astrology. Lehsunia stone is supposed to help in ameliorating any problems caused due to Ketu planet in Kundali related to wealth or health. It is supposed to reduce problems and helps with balance in life.Benefits of wearing Cats eye:
  1. The energies of planet Ketu help the wearer of Cats eye in their spiritual advancement and attain peace and intuition
  2. Lehsunia gemstone helps to reduce malefic effects of Ketu
  3. It also helps people who have Kalsarpa Dosh or Sarpa dosh in their kundali
  4. Wearing Cat eye gemstone helps to attain wealth and prosperity
  5. It is useful for people who sometimes have problems with health.
  6. It is beneficial for people to revive businesses and have financial problems

Hessonite ( Gomed ) – 2.5 Carat

Embrace the ethereal allure of Hessonite, a mesmerizing gemstone that beckons with its warm, honey-toned hues and celestial energies. Also known as Cinnamon Stone or Gomed, this precious gem is much more than a captivating adornment; it is a conduit for transformative energies and cosmic balance.

Moissanite Diamond (Replacement for Diamond) – 1 Carat

Moissanite is a form of silicon carbide and is usually produced synthetically. The hardness of Moissanite is 9.5 it is closer to the diamond in terms of durability.Moissanite is more brilliant than diamond and also sparkles with more colours when light enters it.Diamond is the stone that specifies the benefit of the planet Venus. It strengthens the person’s mental strength and encourages generous thoughts. It helps the wearer to appear more charming and beautiful. Moissanite Diamond has the same benefits that give by wearing the Diamond.Benefits of Diamond:
  1. It helps the wearer to appear more charming and beautiful.
  2. it also will cure liver diseases, asthma, and throat disorders and provides an improved digestive system.
  3. it enhances the positive influences of Venus on the wearer’s thoughts.
  4. A diamond adds positive energy to the wearer and boosts self-confidence.

Red Coral – 1 Carat

Red coral gemstone is a precious gemstone which is also known as Moonga (Munga) or Praval.Benefits of wearing Munga or Red Coral:
  1. Wearing this gemstone is supposed to help overcome obstacles in life and win over enemies
  2. It helps people to gain courage and helps them to win over people as well as face adversaries
  3. Munga stone is said to increase the self-esteem and confidence of the wearer.
  4. Anyone having problems related to anger and peace benefits from it
  5. It is supposed to help people with Manglik Dosh and help in relationship-related problems
  6. It helps in protection against negative energies
  7. It helps to attain leadership positions and is especially beneficial for people in sports or business etc

Yellow Sapphire – 2.5 Carat

Benefits of Yellow Sapphire:
  1. It is good for people having from Planet Brihaspati (Jupiter) bad effects.
  2. It helps to reduce impatience and balance high energy.
  3. Yellow Sapphire gemstone removes tensions and brings stability in the life of its wearer
  4. Pukhraj gemstone helps to enhance wealth and prosperity.
  5. It is especially beneficial for people in business as it brings increased earnings.
  6. It is said to help in stamina of the wearer by enhancing the sun plexus 3rd eye chakra.
  7. Yellow Sapphire helps in promotions and growth in career
Yellow Sapphire Stone is generally worn in Gold or Panchdhatu on a Thursday.