South Indian Astrology - Know about Vedic Astrology

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Astrovibz Vedic astrology is based upon the belief that the position of the planets and stars at the time of our birth determines our future and the events that will happen in our lives. This is because, in the Vedic tradition, the planets and stars are seen as powerful, living beings who have an influence on our destinies. Vedic astrology can determine the kind of life one will have, the type of career and relationships one will get, and the challenges one will face.

South Indian Astrology, Nadi Astrology, Online Astrology
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Astrology Advice - South Indian Astrology

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Our lives are greatly influenced by the nine planets. Identify the planets that are the most helpful in providing the support we need. Prayers offered daily may result in positive life changes.


Planet Jupiter is the primary planet for Education.


Planet Venus is the primary planet for love and Relationship.


Planet Moon is the primary planet for a successful Business.


Planet Mercury and Venues are the primary planet for Finance


Planet Mars is the primary planet for Health.


Planet Saturn is the primary planet for love and Relationship.


Planet Venus is the primary planet for a successful Business.

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Anyone can be a millionaire, but to become a billionaire you need an astrologer.

Premium Astrology Services – 30 Mins

Premium Astrology Services is one of the unique services from Astrovibz, with accurate answers to your question based on the Vedic charts. Personalized Remedies, energized gemstones, and simple mantras to experience positive results in different areas of life. Almost 15 years of experienced astrologers will be connected for the consultation.Once the order is placed, the astrology consultation service will be scheduled based on your availability.

Know about Nadi Astrology

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Sivavakkiyar Thuliya Nadi
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The Nadi leaves are believed to be written by ancient saints, who were enlightened with all knowledge of the past, present, and future of all humanity, and sanctified and calibrated them with their spiritual energies for the benefit of every predestined soul entering this world. The ancient saints possessed a deep understanding of the universal laws and forces that govern life, and used their spiritual insights to create Nadi Astrology. Those ancient sages were able to tune into the energy and vibrations of the universe to gain insight into the destiny of every soul, and the Nadi leaves are believed to possess this very energy.

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In a world filled with psychics and fortune-tellers, it’s important to note that the techniques of astrology require many years of study, training and practice. The best astrologers are ones who have actually developed their skills over lifetimes.

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Nadi Astrology

For every predestined soul born into this world, Nadi Astrology is the Primordial Divine technology blessed and adjusted by the Ancient Saints.

Vedic Astrology

Vedic astrology is predicated on the idea that the motion of the planets and stars directly affects our lives.

Prasanam Nadi Astrology

Based on the Ancient Nadi Scripts, Prasanam Astrology will give you the solution to the question that has remained unanswered in your mind at that precise instant.

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Ayush Homam
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Homam is a fire ritual that includes chanting mantras, special offerings, and prayers to the deity. It is an ancient Vedic practice that is believed to be very powerful and effective. Homam is conducted to invoke and please the deity who will bless us with special grace. It is believed that the deity will manifest in the fire and accept the offerings we make. The fire ritual is performed by qualified priests who are well-versed in the Vedic scriptures and who follow the traditional Vedic rituals. Special offerings such as ghee, rice, fruits, and flowers are made to the deity during the Homam. Special mantras are chanted by the priest and offerings are made to the deity. The fire ritual is believed to bring peace, prosperity, and good luck to the person or family who performs it. The deity is also believed to bless them with special grace for their wishes.

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Daily Tarot Card Oracle

The Emperor
The Emperor represents regulation, governing and authority. He is the father figure of the Tarot.In this present position, he represents a paternal influence, one that embraces conservative values. He may represent someone famous or influential who can help you achieve your goals.This card is associated with Fire and Aries in a wider sense, and keywords that are associated with The Emperor are:
  • Father
  • Establishment
  • Authority
  • Patriarchy
  • Ambition
card oracle major04 1

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