Sivavakkiyar Siddhar Nadi

In the ancient past, the Great Maharishi’s used palm leaves to create valuable records for the growth and progress and posterity of Human lives and these Nadi life path documentations are also the part and parcel of the abundant treasure of various subjects, such as Ayurveda, Siddha, Varma, Astronomy, Astrology etc.

Among all Saints Nadi predictions, Maha Siva Thuliya Nadi is the greatest part, and it is more descriptive in predicting the future of the individuals. This was written by the saint Sivavakkiyar Siddhar who composed the records like a dialogue between Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi, the Supreme Deities. The Prediction verdict is directly from Lord Shiva which is why it is very prime Nadi.

The palm leaves records that are kept here to comprise your past, present and future. These Nadi records are not available for the total population of the world, and it is limited for the destined souls. These destined souls are involuntarily attracted to read the leaves by force of circumstances or under compulsion or intuition at the right times as destined here from the center. The language inscribed on these palm leaves was in old poetic Tamil and it is understandable to very few who are well versed in this art of Nadi reading.

It is sharper and more vibrant in forecasting the future of individuals. It shows a clear picture even in the innermost side of the individuals. It gives very good ways and means to quash the aftermath of the past birth Karma & it guides them well to well shape their future.

The remedies being prescribed by Maha Siva Thuliya Nadi are more effective to subside the problems and minimize the density of crises.

With just a thumbprint, the astrologer can identify your palm leaf containing your destiny, previous incarnations and even your forthcoming incarnations, if you are destined to have your records from this Centre.

Sivavakkiyar Siddhar Nadi
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ஓடிஓடி ஓடிஓடி உட்கலந்த ஜோதியைநாடிநாடி நாடிநாடி நாட்களும் கழிந்து போய்வாடிவாடி வாடிவாடி வாழ்ந்து போன மாந்தர்கள்கோடிகோடி கோடிகோடி எண்ணிறந்த கோடியே

Who is Saint Sivavakkiyar?

Sivavakkiyar is one of the celebrated 18 Siddhas and is considered a revolutionary Siddhar. He was born with chanting lord Shiva’s name. Hence, he was named as Sivavakkiyar.

He who lived in the period of 10th Century AD has written many Tamil poems. A great renunciate he is said to have lived for over 4,000 years. His works include Nadi Parikshai and Sivavakiyar 1000.

He used to mention that human body as “Vasal” which means the entrance door where God resides by entering through “Vasal”. He also explained about the transformation of a physical body into a divine body.

Why Sivavakkiyar Thuliya Nadi is important is because, he had the power to know beyond of his life. Also, the conversation between Goddess Parvathi and Lord Shiva.


Nadi astrology is an ancient form of astrology that has been used for centuries to help people understand their lives and make sense of their destinies. It is based on the belief that each person is born with a unique set of energies that are represented by the planets, stars, and other celestial bodies. Through nadi astrology, a person can gain insight into their life and gain greater understanding of their future. Some of the major benefits of nadi astrology include:

Overall, nadi astrology is an incredibly powerful and useful tool that can help people to gain insight into themselves and their lives. It can provide clarity and direction, help to heal old wounds, and unlock potential. By gaining a better understanding of their past, present and future, a person can make more informed decisions and live a life that is in tune with their destiny.

Sivavakkiyar Thuliya Nadi
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நமச்சிவாய அஞ்செழுத்தும் நிற்குமே நிலைகளேநமச்சிவாய மஞ்சுதஞ்சும் புரணமான மாய்கையைநமச்சிவாய அஞ்செழுத்தும் நம்முளே இருக்கவேநமச்சிவாய உண்மையை நன்குரைசெய் நாதனே

Is Nadi Astrology is a Super Science?

Nadi is a form of Vedic astrology originated and practiced in Tamil Nadu & its adjacent regions in India. It’s based on the faith that the past, present and future lives of human were foreseen by ancient Hindu sages.

Ancient seers have foreseen what is in for pursuer by furnishing details about past, present and future.

It’s ancient form of art / science methodology to find one life prediction written in palm leaves. In simpler way, it’s a technique to identifying and re-defining the destiny of self.

Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Thuliya Nadi

Meaning for  Mahasiva Thuliya Nadi

MAHA    —   Anything  that is, in a big way

SIVA   — Name of the Author Siva Vakkiyar

THULIYA  —   More detailed information for certain period

NADI  —   A person who approaches an Astrologer to know about his life.

Astrovibz’s Nadi Astrology is one of the best influential methods to identify & redefine your soul for a successful future, through the skillfully prescribed temple and ritual remedies that focus on eliminating impediments that are impacting your daily life.

We help rejuvenate your life when ready to change your destiny with beautifully designed Nadi packages.

Sivavakkiyar Sukshama Nadi Reading


Sivavakkiyar Sukshama Nadi Reading

General Kandam – Chapter 1:




Sivavakkiyar Thuliya Nadi Reading


Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Thuliya Nadi Reading

General Kandam – Chapter 1:






This Package Includes the Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Thuliya Nadi Nadi Chapters:




Also, the remedies of Chapter 13 & Chapter 14 by Proxy.

The price mentioned above covers only the Poojas performed inside the temple and energization of the Raksha Plate.

This price does not include:

  • Additional remedies like food feeding or sponsoring of clothes, sponsoring dress to married women, performing Homas or special Abishekam etc.
  • A Silver/Gold Amulet
  • Remedies other than the ones prescribed in your Nadi reading.

The proxy remedies price does not include:

  • Food Feeding
  • Sponsor of dress or material
  • Performing Special Homam or special rituals at any Shrines
  • Any Amulet
  • Extra remedies if any other than prescribed from the Nadi Reading

You may also choose the individual chapters from the vast options below. However, Chapter 1 is mandatory to see other Special Chapters.

Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Sukshama Nadi Individual Chapters

Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Sukshama Nadi

Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Sukshama Nadi - General

Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Sukshama Nadi - General This Chapter predicts the General lifestyle information from the current age till the end of Life. It covers every aspect of life in the...


Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Sukshama Nadi

Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Sukshama Nadi - Shanthi

Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Sukshama Nadi - Shanthi Kandam – Chapter 13 Key chapter to unlock karmas. Negates Graha doshas and reduces sins’ intensity. Reveals soul connectivity and karmic evidence. Addresses current...


Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Sukshama Nadi

Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Sukshama Nadi Deeksha

Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Sukshama Nadi Deeksha Remedies – Chapter 14: Identifies current negative influences. Addresses unfavorable planetary positions. Targets evil eye casting by jealous individuals. Prime reasons for crises or obstacles....


Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Thuliya Nadi Individual Chapters

Sivavakkiyar Thuliya Nadi

Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Thuliya General

Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Thuliya General Kandam - Chapter 1: Predicts lifestyle from current age to end of life. Covers every life aspect in 12 sectors. Identifies astrological evidence and birth details....


Sivavakkiyar Thuliya Nadi

Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Thuliya Nadi Shanthi Kandam

Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Thuliya Nadi Shanthi Kandam - Chapter 13 Key chapter to unlock karmas. Negates Graha doshas and reduces sins’ intensity. Reveals soul connectivity and karmic evidence. Addresses current Graha...


Sivavakkiyar Thuliya Nadi

Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Thuliya Nadi Deeksha

Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Thuliya Nadi Deeksha Remedies - Chapter 14: Identifies current negative influences. Addresses unfavorable planetary positions. Targets evil eye casting by jealous individuals. Prime reasons for crises or obstacles....


Special Individual Chapters

Ancient Saints have drafted your life path in the palm leaf with the Divine Blessings of the Almighty.

The Saints have crafted the lifecycle path of the human soul and segregated it into 12 sectors which are called Kandams (Chapters). Which can be ordered if you have completed the Sivavakkiyar Thuliya Nadi (General Kandam – Chapter 1, Shanthi Kandam – Chapter 13 & Deeksha Kandam – Chapter 14).

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