Nadi Astrology

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Nadi Astrology is an ancient system of predictive astrology originating in India. It is based on the belief that each person’s life is pre-determined by the actions of their past lives. Nadi astrology is based on the premise that all of the information about a person’s life is stored in “Nadi leaves”, which are palm leaves inscribed with ancient Tamil texts. These leaves are believed to have been written by sages or Rishis thousands of years ago. 

The texts are said to contain all the information about a person’s past, present and future. To access this information, a Nadi astrologer requires the individual’s thumbprint. This is used to locate the specific leaf containing the individual’s information. The Nadi astrologer then reads the leaf and interprets the information it contains. This interpretation provides the individual with insights into their past, present and future, as well as guidance on how to lead a successful life.

Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Thuliya Nadi
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Vattezhuthu is a ancient script that belonged to the group of Tamil-Malayalam scripts among the Southern Brahmi derivatives. The script was used for centuries in inscriptions and manuscripts of south India.

It was started developing from Tamil Brahmi from around 4th-5th century AD

History of Nadi Astrology

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What's the Role of Your Thumb Impression in Nadi Astrology?

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Your Thumb Impression plays the major role for identifying your Nadi Bundle’s, There are 108 types of Thumb Impression available as per the Nadi Astrology.

When the correct Thumb Impression is been provided to identify the bundle of Nadi Leaf’s, then it will be much easier for the Nadi Reader to identify your Nadi Leaf from that bundle.

For Male: Right hand Thumb impression has to be shared.

For Female: Left Hand Thumb impression has to be shared. 

It is believed that Thumb is the route map of your destiny of your soul.

How to take the Thumb Impression for Nadi Consultation?

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One can submit their unique thumbprint in this digital world by following a few simple steps.

Nadi Astrology

Ink Your Thumb

Male: Right Hand Thumb Impression

Female: Left Hand Thumb Impression

Nadi Astrology


Nadi Astrology


Nadi Astrology


Discover more about the different Nadi Astrology Services

Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Nadi

Ancient Saints have drafted your life path in the palm leaf with the Divine Blessings of Almighty.

Nandhi Nadi Astrology

The future prediction of the Nandhi Nadi Astrology will have more in-depth information. It is a Perunool that the Nandhikeshwara has blessed us, which will have the General Chapter Prediction, Shanthi Chapter Prediction and Deeksha Chapter Prediction combined.

Aushadha & Gnana Nadi

Medicine Benefit & Spiritual Intelligence

Prasanam Nadi Astrology

The conception of the question is the thought, which enters one’s mind in which the astrologer would be able to zero in on the truth of the answer.

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