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Nandi Nadi Reading

Nandi Nadi Reading Embark on a transformative journey with General Kandam and Maharishi Nandhi's insights for spiritual growth and life improvement.

Nandi Nadi Reading with Remedies

Explore the profound revelations of Nandi Nadi Reading with Remedies in the General Kandam (1, 13, 14). Maharishi Nandhi provides soul predictions and remedies to rectify past-life mistakes. This divine offering is a gift to humanity, aiding individuals in achieving their goals and enhancing their present life situations. The amalgamation of predictions with remedies ensures a holistic approach.Proxy remedies, aligned with Nandhi Maharishi's predictions, offer a transformative journey for the soul.Conditions Apply for Nandi Nadi Astrology Proxy Remedies:
  • Not Included in Proxy Remedies Price:
    • Food Feeding
    • Sponsorship of dress or material
    • Special Homam or rituals at any shrines
    • Any amulet
    • Additional remedies beyond those prescribed in the Nadi Reading.


This Package Includes the Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Thuliya Nadi Nadi Chapters:GENERAL KANDAM - Chapter 1SHANTHI REMEDIES - Chapter 13DEEKSHA REMEDIES - Chapter 14Also, the remedies of Chapter 13 & Chapter 14 by Proxy.The price mentioned above covers only the Poojas performed inside the temple and energization of the Raksha Plate.This price does not include:
  • Additional remedies like food feeding or sponsoring of clothes, sponsoring dress to married women, performing Homas or special Abishekam etc.
  • A Silver/Gold Amulet
  • Remedies other than the ones prescribed in your Nadi reading.

Sivavakkiyar Sukshama Nadi Reading

Sivavakkiyar Sukshama Nadi ReadingGeneral Kandam - Chapter 1:SHANTHI REMEDIES - Chapter 13:DEEKSHA REMEDIES - Chapter 14: 

Sivavakkiyar Thuliya Nadi Reading

Sivavakkiyar Maharishi Thuliya Nadi ReadingGeneral Kandam - Chapter 1:SHANTHI REMEDIES - Chapter 13:DEEKSHA REMEDIES - Chapter 14: