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Angarakan Homam: Unleashing Celestial Power

Angarakan Homam, also known as Mangal Homam, is a Vedic ritual performed to appease the planet Mars (Mangal or Angaraka). This ritual is conducted to reduce the malefic effects of Mars in one's horoscope and to seek blessings for courage, strength, prosperity, and relief from financial and health issues. It involves the chanting of specific mantras, offerings to the sacred fire, and the worship of Mars to attain a positive influence in various aspects of life.

Astalakshmi Homam ( Astalakshmi Fire Ritual )

Astalakshmi Homam
Astalakshmi is the 8 forms of Lakshmi. Astalakshmi Homam (Astalakshmi Fire Ritual) Gives Abundance of Wealth, Fortune & Prosperity. To invoke the blessing of all 8 forms of Lakshmi’s one should perform this once a year.
  1. Aadi Lakshmi – the first form of Lakshmi, blesses one wisdom and wealth.
  2. Dhana Lakshmi – the second form of Lakshmi, blesses one with character, talent and virtues.
  3. Dhanya Lakshmi – the third form of Lakshmi, blesses one with a healthy mind and body.
  4. Gaja Lakshmi - the fourth form of Lakshmi, blesses one with prosperity and abundant royalty.
  5. Santana Lakshmi - the fifth form of Lakshmi, blesses one with progeny and the joy of parenting.
  6. Veera Lakshmi - the sixth form of Lakshmi, blesses one with power, strength and courage.
  7. Vidhya Lakshmi - the seventh form of Lakshmi, blesses one with all-around education and knowledge in arts and sciences.
  8. Vijaya Lakshmi - the eighth form of Lakshmi, blesses one with victory in all aspects of life.

Benefits of performing Astalakshmi Homam (Astalakshmi Fire Ritual):

  • Provides relief from financial woes as it blesses you with abundance and self-sufficiency.
  • Get the blessings of eight forms of Mahalakshmi for all-round progress and sustenance


Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Kamale Kamalalaye Praseed Praseed Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Mahalakshmaye Namah

Note: This Homam will be performed at a powerful temple.

Ayush Homam

Ayush Homam (Ayur Homam) ceremony details:
  1. Ganapathi Sthapana: Begin by invoking Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, and seeking his blessings for the smooth conduct of the ceremony.
  2. Sankalpa and Aarti: Take a sacred vow or Sankalpa, stating your intention to perform Ayush Homam and seek the blessings of the divine. Conclude with an aarti, offering light to the deities.
  3. Ayush Pooja: Conduct the Ayush Pooja based on the individual's birth nakshatra (birth star) for whom the Homa is being performed. Chant the Ayush Shuktha, a sacred hymn dedicated to longevity and well-being.
  4. Havan or Homam: Prepare the sacrificial fire and offer ghee, herbs, and sacred food grains into the fire while chanting the  Homam mantras. Seek the blessings of Ayur Devata and other divine beings.
  5. Conclusion: Conclude the Homa by offering a final oblation, poornahuti, and expressing gratitude to the divine for their blessings. Perform an aarti to conclude the ceremony.

Budhan Homam ( Mercury Fire Ritual )

Budhan is the fourth among the nine planets, He helps us to improve our communication and intelligence.Benefits of performing Budhan Homam ( Mercury Fire Ritual ):
  • To increase ingenuity and inventive levels to a greater extent.
  • To remove the malefic defect.
  • For reaching high levels in life by assembling exact necessities.
  • To develop their judgment skill.
  • For developing artistic skills.
  • Overcoming emotional problems.
Budhan Mantra: "Om Bram Breem Broum Sah Budhya Namah"Note: This Homam will be performed at a powerful temple.

Chandran Homam ( Moon Fire Ritual )

Soma is one of the most common names used for Lord Moon ( Chandran ). He is second among the nine planets. It is assumed that during night time Moon spreads the light as it invokes the brightness of the Lord Sun but keeps the earth cool. Similarly, by performing this Homam you will be able to keep your mind and soul in a balancing way.Benefits of performing Chandran Homam ( Moon Fire Ritual )
  • Charge over your emotional balance
  • Can dissolve those emotional obstacles
  • He will soothe you with his blessings
  • To face challenges in life with boldness and courage.
Chandran Mantra:- "Om Shram Sreem Shraum Sah Chandraya Namah"Note: This Homam will be performed at a powerful temple.

Dhanvantri Homam ( Dhanvantri Fire Ritual )

Benefits of Dhanvantri Homam (Dhanvantri Fire Ritual):
  1. Health and Healing:
    • Invoke divine energies for physical and mental well-being.
  2. Disease Prevention:
    • Seek Lord Dhanvantri's blessings to prevent and overcome illnesses.
  3. Medical Prosperity:
    • Enhance the effectiveness of medical treatments and interventions.
  4. Ayurvedic Wisdom:
    • Gain insights into Ayurvedic practices and holistic healing.
  5. Spiritual Harmony:
    • Attain spiritual balance and harmony in life.

Durga Devi Homam

Original price was: $750.00.Current price is: $270.00.
Durga Devi HomamDurga is a warrior goddess, and she is depicted to express her martial skills. Her iconography typically resonates with these attributes, where she rides a lion or a tiger, and has between eight and eighteen hands, each holding a weapon to destroy and create. She is often shown amid her war with Mahishasura, the buffalo demon, at the time she victoriously kills the demonic force. Her icon shows her in action, yet her face is calm and serene. These weapons are considered symbolic by Shakta Hindus, representing self-discipline, selfless service to others, self-examination, prayer, devotion, remembering her mantras, cheerfulness and meditation. Durga herself is viewed as the "Self" within and the divine mother of all creation.Benefits of performing Durga Homam (Durga Fire Ritual):Protection from Negativity Reduces the effect of Rahu & Ketu Blesses with happiness Helps to improve the relationship issues.Note: This Homam will be performed at a powerful temple.

Ganesha Homam ( Ganesh Fire Ritual )


Ganesha Homam (Ganesha Fire Ritual)

Lord Ganesha is also known as Ganapathi, Vigneshwara, Vinayaka, Ekdant, Lambodara, Gajanana, etc...It is most auspicious to pray before the start of any work. Invoking his blessings will help us to remove the obstacles and spread happiness in our life.Performing Ganesha Homa annually is believed to bestow prosperity, good health, and wealth upon the devotee. This sacred ritual is particularly auspicious for individuals seeking improved opportunities in their career, business endeavors, marriage, and family prospects.
Benefits of performing Ganesha Homam (Ganesha Fire Ritual):
  1.  To get rid of all the obstacles in their life and to lead a beautiful life.
  2.  To get rid of wealth-related issues.
  3.  To enlighten the spiritual life.
  4.  To lead a happy life with all the wealth that one requires and good health.
  5.  To win over any situation in their life.
Ganesha Mantra:
"Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Klom Gum Ganapathayei Vara Varada Sarva Janame Vasa Manaya Swaha"Note: This Homam will be performed at a powerful temple.

Guru Homam ( Jupiter Fire Ritual )

Guru is the fifth among the nine planets, He helps us to improve our knowledge, and studies and controls almost everything in our life. There is a saying in Tamil. "Guru Parvai Patal Kodi Nanmai" means when Guru puts his vision or sees you, then you will receive almost everything in your life.Benefits of performing Guru Homam ( Jupiter Fire Ritual ):
  • To augment their creative potential
  • Diminish the negative effects of planets in a birth chart
  • To improve their intelligence and  knowledge
  • For removing obstacles in life.
  • Key role in getting peace of mind •
  • To become an intellectual in life by enriching knowledge
Guru Mantram: "Om Jhram Jhreem Jroum Sah Gurave Namah"Note: This Homam will be performed at a powerful temple.

Hayagreeva Homam

Hayagreeva Homam ceremony details:Step into the realm of divine knowledge and protection with the sacred ritual of Hayagreeva Homam. This ancient Vedic fire ceremony is dedicated to Lord Hayagreeva, the embodiment of supreme intelligence and wisdom. Through the powerful vibrations of Vedic mantras and the purifying energy of the sacred fire, the Hayagreeva Homam invokes the blessings of Lord Hayagreeva for enhanced intellect, academic success, and spiritual enlightenment.
  1. Invocation (Avahana): The ceremony begins with the invocation of Lord Hayagreeva's divine presence. The officiating priest invites the deity to bless the devotees gathered for the homam.
  2. Ganapathi Puja: Before commencing any auspicious ritual, prayers are offered to Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, seeking his blessings for the successful completion of the Homam.
  3. Homam Ritual: The central aspect of the ceremony involves the sacred fire ritual, where offerings such as ghee, herbs, grains, and other auspicious materials are offered into the fire while chanting powerful Vedic hymns and mantras dedicated to Lord Hayagreeva.
  4. Offerings to Lord Hayagreeva: Various offerings, including flowers, fruits, betel leaves, nuts, and sweets, are presented to Lord Hayagreeva as symbols of devotion and gratitude.
  5. Archana: Devotees offer individual prayers and perform Archana by reciting the 108 names of Lord Hayagreeva or other sacred hymns, seeking his blessings for wisdom, knowledge, and protection.
  6. Aarti: The ceremony concludes with the waving of lit lamps in front of the deity, accompanied by melodious bhajans and devotional songs praising Lord Hayagreeva's glory.
Benefits of Hayagreeva Homam:
  • Enhances intellectual capabilities and academic success.
  • Facilitates spiritual growth and enlightenment.
  • Removes obstacles and instils clarity of thought.
  • Grants divine protection and blessings for overall well-being.
Immerse yourself in the divine vibrations of Hayagreeva Homam and invoke the blessings of Lord Hayagreeva for wisdom, knowledge, and divine grace in every aspect of your life.

Ketu Homam ( Ketu Fire Ritual )

Ketu is the south lunar node and it is one among the nine planets, it doesn't have any physical shape. It represents karmic collections both good and bad, spirituality and supernatural influences. Ketu is a Karaka or indicator of intelligence, wisdom, non-attachment, fantasy, penetrating insight, derangement and psychic abilities.Benefits of performing Ketu Homam ( Ketu Fire Ritual ):
  • To reduce malefic effects of planets
  • To get peace of mind from mental worries
  • Brings happiness and prosperity in life by removing negative forces
  • For living a healthy life by minimizing diseases
  • To get blessings from lord Ketu to live a trouble-free life
  • For experiencing positive energies to witness desired outcomes.
Ketu Mantra: "Om Sharm Shreem Shroum Sah Ketave Namah"Note: This Homam will be performed at a powerful temple.

Lakshmi Narasimha Homam (Lakshmi Narasimha Fire Ritual)

Original price was: $850.00.Current price is: $350.00.
Lakshmi Narasimha HomamThe meaning of Narasimha, Nara which means Human and Simha means Lion. Narasimha which means Half Human and Half Lion. Narasimha who’s body is of a Man and head is of Lion. It is considered as per the Vedic Scriptures and Text, that Lord Vishnu has taken this incarnation to kill an evil named Hiranyakashipu. 
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Showing 1–12 of 168 results

1 Coconut Smashing – Lord Ganesha

* 1 Coconut will be smashed at any Ganesha Temple in Kumbakonam

1 Day Varahi Siddhi Pooja Sponsorship

1 Day Varahi Siddhi Pooja SponsorshipSponsoring Flowers, Dhoop, Coconut, Garland, Fruits, Honey, Lemon and other Pooja materials to Goddess Varahi Devi will help us get positivity in our daily life. She will also protect us from all kinds of negativity, evil eyes and bad vibrations around us.

1 Month Varahi Siddhi Pooja Sponsorship

1 Month Varahi Siddhi Pooja SponsorshipSponsoring Flowers, Dhoop, Coconut, Garland, Fruits, Honey, Lemon and other Pooja materials to Goddess Varahi Devi will help us get positivity in our daily life. She will also protect us from all kinds of negativity, evil eyes and bad vibrations around us.

1 Year Varahi Siddhi Pooja Sponsorship

1 Year Varahi Siddhi Pooja SponsorshipSponsoring Flowers, Dhoop, Coconut, Garland, Fruits, Honey, Lemon and other Pooja materials to Goddess Varahi Devi will help us get positivity in our daily life. She will also protect us from all kinds of negativity, evil eyes and bad vibrations around us.

1Ltr Milk Offering for Abishekam on 5 Pradosham Thiti


1Ltr Milk Offering for Abishekam on 5 Pradosham Thiti

  • Significance: Milk represents purity and piety.
  • Ritual: Pour milk over the Shiva Linga during Abhishekam to seek blessings for health and well-being.

3 Coconuts Smashing – Lord Ganesha

* 3 Coconut will be smashed at any Ganesha Temple in Kumbakonam

3 Days Varahi Siddhi Pooja Sponsorship

3 Days Varahi Siddhi Pooja SponsorshipSponsoring Flowers, Dhoop, Coconut, Garland, Fruits, Honey, Lemon and other Pooja materials to Goddess Varahi Devi will help us get positivity in our daily life. She will also protect us from all kinds of negativity, evil eyes and bad vibrations around us.

3 Months Varahi Siddhi Pooja Sponsorship

3 Months Varahi Siddhi Pooja SponsorshipSponsoring Flowers, Dhoop, Coconut, Garland, Fruits, Honey, Lemon and other Pooja materials to Goddess Varahi Devi will help us get positivity in our daily life. She will also protect us from all kinds of negativity, evil eyes and bad vibrations around us.

5 Coconuts Smashing – Lord Ganesha

* 5 Coconut will be smashed at any Ganesha Temple in Kumbakonam

5 Face Rudraksha Mala 108 (Size: 5mm)

5 Face Rudraksha Mala 108Rudraksha is considered the incarnation of Lord Shiva. The person who wears Rudraksha is supposed to have a good disposition, be respected by all and lead of prosperous life.Rudraksha mala is also considered to be a shield against negative energies and encourages positivity. A slight natural herbal mix is applied to rudraksha mala for maximum benefit.Benefits of Rudraksha Mala:
  1. Shiva puja is incomplete without Rudraksha mala and helps to get Shiva's blessings.
  2. Rudraksha mala is supposed to give positivity to the wearer and give them strength to face any adversity
  3. It helps to alleviate various lifestyle issues and physical problems
  4. It helps to reduce stress and anxiety in everyday life
  5. Rudraksha is said to balance electromagnetic and spiritual powers within the person, hence leading to a calm and balanced life without stress.

5 Face Rudraksha Mala 108 (Size: 6mm)

Rudraksha is considered the incarnation of Lord Shiva. The person who wears Rudraksha is supposed to have a good disposition, be respected by all and lead of prosperous life.Rudraksha mala is also considered to be a shield against negative energies and encourages positivity. A slight natural herbal mix is applied to rudraksha mala for maximum benefit.Benefits of Rudraksha Mala:
  1. Shiva puja is incomplete without Rudraksha mala and helps to get Shiva's blessings.
  2. Rudraksha mala is supposed to give positivity to the wearer and give them strength to face any adversity
  3. It helps to alleviate various lifestyle issues and physical problems
  4. It helps to reduce stress and anxiety in everyday life
  5. Rudraksha is said to balance electromagnetic and spiritual powers within the person, hence leading to a calm and balanced life without stress.

5 Face Rudraksha Mala 108 (Size: 8mm)

Rudraksha is considered the incarnation of Lord Shiva. The person who wears Rudraksha is supposed to have a good disposition, be respected by all and lead of prosperous life.Rudraksha mala is also considered to be a shield against negative energies and encourages positivity. A slight natural herbal mix is applied to rudraksha mala for maximum benefit.Benefits of Rudraksha Mala:
  1. Shiva puja is incomplete without Rudraksha mala and helps to get Shiva's blessings.
  2. Rudraksha mala is supposed to give positivity to the wearer and give them strength to face any adversity
  3. It helps to alleviate various lifestyle issues and physical problems
  4. It helps to reduce stress and anxiety in everyday life
  5. Rudraksha is said to balance electromagnetic and spiritual powers within the person, hence leading to a calm and balanced life without stress.